9 High Street, Leagrave, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU4 9JU

The premises are arranged over ground, first and second floor. At ground floor level the commercial area has been used as a launderette for many years and forms part of a small but established terrace. At upper level is a maisonette. The property now becomes available due to...

11a Bancroft, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG5 1JQ

The ground floor retail premises could accommodate a variety of uses under User Class E, such as retail, leisure, F&B, etc. Furthermore, it benefits from the following: Sales Area: Extensive double shop front. Large open plan sales area. Automatic sliding doors. Alarm system. Suspended ceiling. LED lighting.   Rear Store: Ramped access to sales area. Locker...

25 Ashton Square, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 3SN

Key Features: Substantial Premises Town Centre Location Attractive Shopping Precinct Allocated Parking Adjacent Public Carpark Large Sales Area Loading & Store Provisions First Floor Office/Stores Flexible Lease Terms   Formerly occupied by Wilko, the premises are arranged over ground and first floor – totalling 44,679 sqft (4,150.80 m2).   The...

25-27 High Street North, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 1HX

Mid-terraced & pavement-lined. New expansive shop front. White box condition, ready for occupier fit-out. Delivery access to the rear. 3-phase electric supply. Connection to gas mains. Plumbing for WC and kitchen provisions. Suitable for a variety of uses under User Class...

97-98 Bancroft, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG5 1NQ

The subject property is arranged over ground and first floor and was formerly formed of two shops, having now been interconnected to provide a larger retail area. The property will be decorated internally and externally by the outgoing tenant. The property benefits from the following: Pavement-lined entrance. Twin bay windows with internal security shutters for No.98. Twin single entrances....

156 Leagrave Road, Bury Park, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU4 8HX

The property is arranged over ground and first floor, with forecourt, courtyard to the rear and lock-up storage units to the rear. Ground Floor: At ground floor level there is a well maintained retail unit totalling 972 sq ft (90.28 sqm). The retail unit is let to a convenience store. A copy lease is available upon request. To the rear of the retail unit is an additional premises that STPP could be let...

4 Park Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3EP

KEY FEATURES Pavement lined and mid terraced the premises benefit from: ·         Laminated flooring ·         Double aluminium shop front ·         Partitioned store at rear ·         Single w/c ·         Plastered...

36 Guildford Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 2NR

Having traded as an Italian restaurant for decades, the premises are currently being refurbished. The ground floor comprises a seating area, twin WC and rear store. The basement comprises the kitchen, staff WC and has a floor to ceiling height of...

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